Sunday, November 17, 2013

Some pictures from October. Sorry for the delay!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Open House

Reminder We have our open house tonight from 6:00-7:30.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Special Visitor

Mr. Jenzer kept his word and dressed as Strawberry Shortcake on Friday, September 13. A big congratulations to all the students who help read 42,928 pages over the summer vacation!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Mrs. Sumner's September Newsletter

Upcoming Events

September 11- PTO Mtg.  6-7 pm at RMS  Welcome meeting
September 12- Fundraiser Kick Off  Assembly  1:30 pm
September 18- PTO Mtg. 6-7 pm at RMS  Business Meeting-Elections
September 27- School Picture Day
October 1- Deadline for Reading Sheets for October Community Mtg
October 3-Open House 6-7:30 pm
October 3- Book Fair the week of Open House (more information to follow)
October 4- Community Meeting 1:45 in the gym. All are welcomed!
October 14- No School
Curriculum Corner
 We will soon start our reading and phonics program.  Please review any letter sounds that you see we are working on. I am aware of the varying degrees of academic abilities in the class.  Rest assured I will challenge your child!  Setting up an academic program for children is similar to building a house.  You must start with a strong foundation and build upon that.  As I get to know your child and their ability, I will meet their academic needs.
Go Math- We will start our new math program this week. There is a homework component to the program. Students will be bringing home pages from their practice book.  I do not need these pages to be returned to school. They are for you to see the current math topics that we are working on and for practice. I am aware that for many 5 and 6 year olds a full day in school is demanding enough. I will leave it to your discretion on how you would like to precede with the practice papers.


We have two snacks each day.  You would be surprised at how hungry the children can be.
Open House
I look forward to seeing you at Open House.  Please remember that this night is to become familiar with your child’s school.  I will not be able to have individual conferences with each parent.  If you have a concern you would like to discuss, please call me. We will conference in November.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Welcome to Kindergarten!

We had a wonderful first day of school.